BurkeShop Mini-Conference at CCCC 2016

The Kenneth Burke Society will host a "BurkeShop" Mini-Conference during a Special Interest Group meeting during the upcoming Conference on College Composition and Communication Convention on Thursday, April 7, 2016 in Houston, Texas.

Time and Place: Thursday, April 7 at 6:30-7:20 PM, Hilton Room 336B, Level Three, Hilton of the Americas, Houston, TX. All presenters and attendees must register for the CCCC Convention (instructions located here: http://www.ncte.org/cccc/conv/registration).

Program of Presentations

Ethan Sproat, "BurkeShopping Burke"

Valerie A. Vancza, "Visiting the Parlor: Writing Students & Instructors Meet Burke"

Jacob Robertson, “Kenneth Burke’s Rhetoric of Role.”

Danica Blauer, “Kendrick Lamar's Agent-Act-Scene”

Joshua Halsey, "Body/Language: Kenneth Burke, Disability, and the Rhetoric of Embodiment"

Shea Haskell, “Constructing Ethos: Burke, Shaugnessy, and the Codification of Knowledge"